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vestige commemorative pet pendant in gold set in background of stones

Our Mission

To provide you with a lifeCarbon™ infused Vestige (Ve-steej) to hold and cherish forever.


Our Team


Vestige is comprised of individuals with diverse interests and backgrounds with one thing in common, a love for animals.

man with his pet dog looking happy

ChrisTopher melnyk

Founder, CEO

After a decade of developing new ceramic and metallic alloys and coatings for various global leaders using technologies like Spark Plasma Sintering and Cryogenic Milling, Christopher found a way to combine his love for Animals and Novel Material Sciences to create VESTIGE.

Working in the aerospace sector where ever-improving processing techniques are the norm, he sought to improve the outdated tradition of storing a box of ground up bones (cremation ashes) as a means to cherish our past companions.

woman smiling while holding pet cat

allison comer

Director of Operations

Allison graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in Fashion Textile Management. After graduation, she proceeded to expand on her product development and design focus to gain invaluable production, procurement, and logistics experience in the textiles industry.

Allison is the proud mother of three wonderful fur babies and loves helping make sure fellow humans get to cherish their beloved animals.
